Archive | July, 2012

Take The Bite Out Of Summer With Avon’s Skin So Soft Bug Guard Essentials.

28 Jul

Take The Bite Out Of Summer With Avon’s Skin So Soft Bug Guard Essentials.

Avon have just launched their first-ever online game – the Bug Guard Game. To get Bug Bashing on Facebook Avon Bug Guard. The goal of this innovative game is for players to fend off bugs that are disrupting a virtual family picnic using various tools and Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard products. All Players can post high scores to their Facebook walls and share “Free Sprays” for their friends to use in the game. Additionally, everyone who plays will receive a free shipping code that can be redeemed at

The entire collection includes:

Bug Guard Plus IR3535® Expedition ™ SPF 30
Combined sun and insect protection in one product and available in an Aerosol spray and Pump spray.
Strong and long-lasting repellency against mosquitoes, deer ticks, sand flies, gnats, no-seeums and biting midges where on long walks or days out.

Bug Guard Plus Picaridin
Protection during dusk & dawn, which is when mosquitoes are more active. Repels deer ticks that may transmit Lyme disease and mosquitoes that may carry West Nile virus. Available as an Aerosol Spray, Pump Spray and travel-friendly Towelettes.

Bug Guard Plus IR3535® SPF 30 Lotions
Repel mosquitoes, deer ticks, black flies, sand flies, gnats, no-seeums and biting midges. Aloe and Vitamin E-enriched formulas are available as a Gentle Breeze Lotion and Cool ‘n Fabulous Disappearing Color Lotion perfect for long or short distance walking routes.
(When using Avon’s insect repellents, read follow label directions & precautions)

Anti-Itch Spray
Provides temporary, soothing relief to itchy insect bites.
(Does not repel insects & use as directed)